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PRESS RELEASE: Clare Lang, QKC, QKA, Promoted to Sr. Retirement Plan Consultant


MCF Advisors is pleased to announce that Clare Lang, QKC, QKA, will be expanding her role within the company. Clare has been promoted to Senior Retirement Plan Consultant, supporting our Institutional clients.

Clare joined MCF in 2017. Over the last 6 years, Clare has steadily increased her experience, certifications, and ability to provide leadership in all matters of plan administration, plan design, DOL and ERISA compliance, and investment consultation. 

Clare is a valuable, go-to leader in the organization and particularly in the Institutional Services team. As Sr. Retirement Plan Consultant, Clare is focused on delivering exceptional client experience to MCF’s institutional clients. 

Clare has a BS in Accounting from Northern Kentucky University and holds certifications as a Qualified 401(k) Administrator (QKA) and as a Qualified 401(k) Consultant (QKC). In her free time, Clare enjoys playing with her dogs, spending time with family and friends – or enjoying the occasional rock concert.

Congratulations, Clare!

MCF is an investment management firm that serves clients through two divisions: Wealth Management (individuals, families and business owners) and Institutional (retirement plans - 401k, deferred compensation & defined benefit; endowments, health benefit trust and corporations). MCF is a Registered Investment Advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission. MCF provides management and/or consulting services on over $2 billion of assets. For the past six years, MCF was named to Financial Advisor Magazine’s Top Registered Investment Advisers list.


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