We are dedicated to meeting your needs. Our professional staff provides investment management and advisory services designed to meet client established goals and objectives.
Our services are available on a fee-for-project basis or as fee-for-service as part of an ongoing relationship.
MCF Institutional does not offer proprietary investments, record-keeping services or actuarial services; therefore, you receive an objective perspective in the review, evaluation, and decision-making process.
Project Services include:
- Outsourced CIO Searches
- Traditional non-discretionary investment consultant searches
- Pension Risk Manager Searches
- Terminal funding annuity provider searches and placements
- LDI Analysis / Surplus Optimization Studies
- Portfolio Construction & Risk Sensitivity Analysis
- Appraisal / review plan providers and fees
- Market search or RFP projects
- Investment fund line-up analysis
- Target Date Fund Analysis
- Fund manager analysis