MCF Institutional provides a wide range of services to meet the industry’s contemporary Outsourced CIO (OCIO) Search needs.
Our clients seek our services to ease the burden of regulatory scrutiny, fiduciary responsibilities, and industry complexity placed on nonprofit boards and investment committees.
As the investment landscape evolves to provide increased return opportunities to the marketplace, committees are turning to MCF Institutional for our search results.
By taking on the role of market search, analysis, and negotiation for our clients, MCF can help your committee free up its resources and focus on the business of the organization, while keeping you involved as little, or as much, in the search process as you desire.
Our services include a wide range of options for universities, corporate pension funds, foundations & endowments who are evaluating OCIO options. Our standards of engagement provide our clients with clear, concise, and measurable performance.
We will streamline your search and selection efforts, provide actionable intelligence, and improve your negotiation capabilities by managing the process every step of way…
Our due diligence process begins with
- a discovery meeting to instigate committee member dialogue and initiate building your Fiduciary file, followed by
- our strict evaluation protocols with a planned strategy, focusing on the best providers, capable of assisting your particular committee, and commences with
- unique negotiation and selection of a tailored OCIO provider.
We have an established database of marketplace contenders vying for your business. Our proprietary due diligence search process uniquely vets and measures RFI/RFP responses to fulfill your specific requirements. Our customized model parlays our organization’s 30 years of investment/industry experience into sophisticated results for our clients.
We capture the depth and breadth of your needs by employing a rigid process of discovery without consuming your resources.
We take the guess-work out of the complicated due diligence process in this nascent and evolving industry where provider services vary greatly.