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Why Workers Leave Matching Dollars on the Table

A 2023 Vanguard study found that a quarter of participants deferred less than 4% of their income — generally below the threshold to maximize an employer match. While financial constraints play a role for some, psychological factors can also contribute. Understanding these cognitive biases can help explain why workers forfeit free money — and highlight strategies to help.

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How to Design a Differentiating Benefits Package

Over the past couple of years, the so-called “Great Resignation” has led to an unprecedented number of career changes. At the same time, the boom in remote and gig work means that skilled employees have more choices than ever. For that reason, recruiting and retaining talent in today’s climate can be challenging. Offering the right blend of benefits for your target talent pool can give your company a competitive edge. While there’s no single ideal benefits package, there are tactics you can use to find the one that’s best for your organization.

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Portability Services Network Expands Impact

According to a recent release, the Portability Services Network (PSN) has now grown to include six providers, covering over 15,000 retirement plans and 5 million members. For employees with balances under $7,000, PSN, led by Robert L. Johnson's Retirement Clearinghouse LLC, allows the automated transfer of retirement funds. The goal of this approach is to decrease the number of cash-outs and keep investors from losing sight of their retirement assets.

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What Retirement Planning Isn’t

Employees can easily latch onto media-hyped, generalized one-size-fits-all retirement savings numbers without a clear understanding of whether those figures align with their personal financial circumstances. So what is retirement savings planning not?

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Increasing 401(k) Balances Can Bring Increased Risk

By the second quarter of this year, the number of “401(k) millionaires” rose 2.5% from Q1, marking a record high according to Fidelity. At the same time, retirement savers overall experienced three consecutive quarters of growth — and that’s good news for many investors. However, a Vanguard analysis of its plans also shows a concerning trend: The percentage of savers who took hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts increased twofold over a three-year period, climbing from 1.7% in 2020 to 3.6% in 2023.

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Helping Employees Avoid Retirement Health Care Sticker Shock

Housing? Check. Life insurance? Check. Dining out? Check. For most retirees, these types of line items are fairly predictable and factored into their monthly budget. But when it comes to health care, the situation can change dramatically. These expenses are often unpredictable and underestimated — and this wild card can disrupt an otherwise carefully planned retirement, leaving many seniors vulnerable.

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