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Portfolio rebalancing, how to budget your money, what’s an HSA and who needs one? Preparing for retirement is hard. From personal finance basics to retirement planning and everything in between, we’ve got a few ideas to make life a little simpler. Contact MCF with any questions.

Financial Wellness

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Three Tax Tips that Can Help as You Approach or Begin Retirement

Retirement is a whole new phase of life. You’ll experience many new things, and you’ll leave others behind – but what you won’t avoid is taxes. If you’ve followed the advice of retirement plan consultants, you’re probably saving in tax-advantaged retirement accounts. These types of accounts defer taxes until withdrawal, and you’ll probably withdraw funds in retirement. Also, you may have to pay taxes on other types of income - Social Security, pension payments, or salary from a part-time job. With that in mind, it makes sense for you to develop a retirement income strategy.

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The 12% Savings Goal

Most people need to save more — often a lot more — to build a nest egg that can meet their needs. Many financial experts recommend putting away 12 to 15 percent of your pay for retirement, starting as early in your career as possible[1]. There’s a relatively painless way to reach that goal.

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Prioritizing Debt

Debt is sweeping the nation. With student loan debt becoming astronomical among millennials and credit card debt piling up in the background, it can feel overwhelming that your savings is getting the short end of your paycheck. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Americans’ total household debt as of 2019 has reached $14 trillion – a record high. Thoughts of financial stress flood our minds of how we are going to afford our current lifestyle and our future in retirement.

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