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Participant Insights

Portfolio rebalancing, how to budget your money, what’s an HSA and who needs one? Preparing for retirement is hard. From personal finance basics to retirement planning and everything in between, we’ve got a few ideas to make life a little simpler. Contact MCF with any questions.

Financial Wellness

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Safeguarding Your Family's Future

For many people, creating an estate plan is a task that routinely gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. Some assume that estate plans are only for the wealthy and others may simply want to avoid thinking about some of the tough topics estate planning entails. Yet, most everyone should have an estate plan. Here is how to start creating an estate plan in six easy steps.

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Harvesting Financial Lessons

Thanksgiving offers more than just family gatherings and meals—it encourages reflection on finances with gratitude. The holiday can inspire better financial habits, such as managing holiday expenses wisely and practicing mindful spending. Here are a handful of tips that can alleviate any financial burdens you may face during the upcoming holiday season.

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Gen X in Retirement

When it comes to retirement planning, GEN X lives up to its reputation; one where the middle child – sandwiched between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials – feels indifferent to it. Despite feelings of indifference, GEN X feels secure in themselves, even rating their mental health as “excellent”. According to Principal Financial’s June 2022 Retirement Security Survey, that’s ten percentage points higher than other generations. With that said, GEN X still needs support planning for the future.

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Medicare is a United States government health insurance program that covers people age 65 or older, patients with end-stage renal disease, and people younger than 65 with disabilities. It is important to understand how Medicare works, who qualifies for Medicare, and the four different types of Medicare available to individuals.

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Employer Matching – How to Make the Most of Your Plan

Many defined contribution plans include something called employer matching, meaning that your employer contributes a certain amount to your retirement savings plan based on your personal contribution. Employers use various match formulas to determine their contribution, but we have highlighted three common scenarios that show the importance of knowing the facets of your retirement plan.

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