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Perspectives & News

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MCF Named a Best Place to Work in Kentucky 2023

MCF is pleased to announce it has been named to the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce’s Best Places to Work in Kentucky - Small Business Category. This is the fifth straight year that MCF has been honored by the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce in their "Best Place to Work in Kentucky" list.

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MCF Announces Duncan, Smith & Stilz, PSC to Join the MCF Team

MCF Advisors LLC (MCF) announced today that Lexington-based Duncan, Smith & Stilz (DSS) Certified Public Accounting firm will join the MCF team on January 1, 2023. This furthers MCF’s depth and ability to offer a wide range of financial expertise to its clients. MCF’s Tax & Accounting service offering has substantially grown since it began offering these services two years ago. MCF offers clients added value through the Financial Advisor also leading the client’s tax needs. This allows for real-time financial decisions that considers tax implications.

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