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Plan Sponsor

Get the latest retirement plan industry news, education and tips you need to know to help navigate your fiduciary responsibilities. Contact your Plan Consultant with any questions.

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Boosting Lower Wage Earners' Retirement Readiness

A recent Vanguard report finds that individuals in the lowest income bracket spend a staggering 96% of their pre-retirement income on daily needs, compared to the highest bracket spending only 43% on average. This income spend-down disparity leaves lower and middle class individuals with a substantial shortfall in retirement readiness. Plan sponsors can take proactive steps to help participants better prepare for a secure retirement with these simple tips.

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A Connection to Future Self Is Key to Retirement Readiness

The relationship we forge with our future selves can greatly impact financial decision making in the present. Research reveals that subjects with a stronger connection to their future selves are more likely to delay gratification and make more prudent financial choices. But how can plan sponsors help employees make the connection?

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